Public Health Service Hazardous Duty

SKU: Public Health Service Hazardous Duty Ribbon
Public Health Service Hazardous Duty Ribbons are sold one per pack.
Price: $1.50
Public Health Service Hazardous Duty
Public Health Service Hazardous Duty
Product Details
Public Health Service Hazardous Duty Ribbon is awarded for 200 exposure hours over 180 consecutive days in a position requiring frequent risk to officer's safety.

Assignments where the officer's professional knowledge should significantly reduce or abolish the risk do not qualify. Specific assignments include: - required contact with inmates/detainees at certain Bureau of Prisons' facilities, Forensic Hospital at St. Elizabeths, and Immigration and Naturalization sites; - 8 round trips or 16 duty site destinations on frequent unscheduled aircraft flights within a 6-month period (aircraft must seat 10 or fewer passengers); or - Industrial hygiene surveys of mine sites.

For service of 30 consecutive or 90 nonconsecutive days in a foreign duty post (not in training status). Ships sailing in international waters with international port stops are eligible.
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