Bronze Numeral 3 For Ribbons

SKU: R-D125
Bronze Numeral 3 For Ribbons are sold one per pack. Manufactured in the USA.
Price: $8.25
Bronze Numeral 3 For Ribbons
Bronze Numeral 3 For Ribbons
Product Details
Arabic numerals 3/16 inch (.48cm) in height are issued instead of a medal or ribbon for second and subsequent awards of the Air Medal, Multinational Force and Observers Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon and the Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon.

The ribbon denotes the first award and numerals starting with the numeral 2 denote the additional awards. The numeral worn on the NCO Professional Development Ribbon will denote the highest completed level of NCO development.

The numerals are to be centered on the suspension ribbon of the medal or the ribbon bar.
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